One of the most important features required by developers is the ability to position the display objects, after all the most simple way of providing non-static objects is moving the object by altering it’s x and y position.
While the way to do so is simple, simply re-assign the values to the object as
-- Corona SDK method
object.x = xPos
object.y = yPos
-- Gideros SDK Method
-- or in one statement
-- object:setPosition(xPos, yPos)
The object is displayed at the x and y position as set.
Note: When using CoronaSDK, this can become funny as even though you work with the referencePoint as TopLeft, CoronaSDK keeps changing it to the center and that could become quite irritating if you forget to set the reference point back to the TopLeft.
Note: With Gideros, Bitmaps have the ability to have a referencePoint set, the best part is that this is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is the left or the top and 1.0 is the right or bottom and 0.5 being the center. While with CoronSDK you can only set the 9 positions, with Gideros you can set any position as the anchorPoint. However, non Bitmaps cannot have an anchorPoint, which means that most of the other objects cannot be set according to anchorPoints specified.
A Generic Solution
Let’s first look at this image and see how the anchorPoints or referencePoints are set when selecting one of the 9 settings.
We can see that we can position the object based on the position and alignment that we want with the simple formula that is
offX = width * (-1 * xAnchor)
offY = height * (-1 * yAnchor)
Where the width
or the height
is the object width or height and the anchorX
and anchorY
are the positions to set the anchorPoint or referencePoint which is between 0.0 and 1.0, (think of this number in percentages, makes it easier to visualise, where 0% is the left and 100% the right and 0% as the top and 100% as the bottom).
so we can write a simple function to position the object as required
-- Gideros Version
function setPositionWithAnchor(object, x, y, xAnc, yAnc)
local _wd = object:getWidth()
local _ht = object:getHeight()
local _offX = _wd * (-1 * xAnc or 0)
local _offY = _ht * (-1 * xAnc or 0)
object:setPosition(x + _offX, y + _offY)
This can be further modified to act seamlessly with every new object if you make a class that overrides the functions setPosition
and save the anchorPoints as members on the object.
Note: The only probkem is when you are rotating the objects, the math for calculating the andhorPoints is not so simple
The CoronaSDK version of the same code to allow for setting the referencePoint to any point on the image using the 0.0 to 1.0 we can define it as
-- CoronaSDK Version
function setPositionWithAnchor(object, x, y, xAnc, yAnc)
local _wd = object.contentWidth
local _ht = object.contentHeight
local _offX = _wd * (-1 * xAnc or 0)
local _offY = _ht * (-1 * xAnc or 0)
--The line above is very important to position the object as CoronaSDK reverts to center referencePoints
object.x = x + _offX
object.y = y + _offY
Hope that allows for some interesting positioning